
Responses from tommyd902688

Phonostage/preamp recommendations. Parasound JC3 Jr.?
I switched to MM input at 50db today and all I can say is wow. Everything is so clear and I'm finally getting some bass notes out of the speakers. I can only imagine if I had a better amp and speakers what it could sound like. Atmasphere: I'm goin... 
Phonostage/preamp recommendations. Parasound JC3 Jr.?
Its hooked into the CD input on the reciever. So plug the turntable output into MM and give that a try?  
Phonostage/preamp recommendations. Parasound JC3 Jr.?
So the tonearm is indeed at the correct height and everything is hooked up. There is a major improvement already. I played around with some of the settings and so far I've run into some interesting findings...1. I tend to like the sound with the m... 
Phonostage/preamp recommendations. Parasound JC3 Jr.?
Atmasphere: I purchased the zphono xrm yesterday. I was going to update everyone tonight after hooking it up. If your theory is correct and the tonearm is not set properly, or the cartridge is dameged then I would not exactly be pleased. I could a... 
Phonostage/preamp recommendations. Parasound JC3 Jr.?
Well since I already had the zphono in my cart ready to buy that certainly throws a monkey wrench into things....Besides, I don't really want a quicky bandaid to my issue. Having a decent preamp would not only fix my current issue, but also open d... 
Phonostage/preamp recommendations. Parasound JC3 Jr.?
Parasound seems to be getting a lot of love overall here. That Zphono XRM looks interesting at the price point. Especially for my setup I currently have. Later on I would like to upgrade to some nice floor tower  speakers and a better amp. Truthfu... 
Phonostage/preamp recommendations. Parasound JC3 Jr.?
Alucard19: Actually although I've read a lot of good things about the Chinook on this forums articles and elsewhere, it is about double my price point. The other 2 options suggested in this post are also more than I was hoping to spend but maybe j... 
Phonostage/preamp recommendations. Parasound JC3 Jr.?
Some interesting feedback here. In regards to the SUT, I’m not sure I would want to go that route based on my very limited knowledge on how they work (emphasis on limited) I would want something more versatile. Example I may or may not want an MM ... 
Phonostage/preamp recommendations. Parasound JC3 Jr.?
rsf507: Thanks for the response! Just looked up the Ph-10 and have to say it looks very versatile indeed. It also looks fairly user friendly in that everything would be controlled through the front panel and the single knob. Is that correct? Also ...