
Responses from trinnatee

Krell KAV-400xi vs. Parasound A21+P3
To DkzzzzNHT Three is about $650 pair new. I just like the sound of NHT and even plan to buy the 2.9s or 3.3s in the future. About Krell, I need an amp with at least 200wpc in order to drive my NHTs. Besides NAD, either good preamp+amp combo or in... 
Krell KAV-400xi vs. Parasound A21+P3
Thank you for all comments. I had no idea that I would have so many responses on my thread. I decided to buy Krell KAV 400xi along with Krell SACD MKIII about a week ago. Since I don't have NHT Classic Three's with me right now (I lent them to my ... 
Best amp for NHT Classic 3
Thank you. That helps a lot. 
Best amp for NHT Classic 3
Bob_reynolds: Could you please explain more about both preamp out and main amp in jacks? Is the amp that has 2 preamp out enough?Thank you.