
Responses from videoman

Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage
I own these and after over a dozen high end speakers these are the ones I kept. I use them without a sub and am exremely happy. Once I do add a sub Ill probably be happier. I am using a Cary 805C for power and a SLP98P for pre, along with a 306/20... 
What tube amp mates well with Sonus Faber Amati's?
I power a pair of SOnus faber GUarneri Homage with a Cary 805 C and teh sound is magical with PLENTY of bass. MORE bass than when I used a Mcintosh 602 600WPC SS amp. Ive had about a dozen amps over the past 4 years and the 805C amps are the best ... 
Opinions on why this system is uninvolving
I know this thread is very old, butI also had some studios that I bought as store demos. They had hundreds of hours on them. I tried MANY amps, MANY pre amps, and even ran a Cary 306/200 direct to the amp. I tried a Levinson 383 integrated, TERRIB... 
Monoblocks for Sonus Faber Guarneri ?
Thanks, I was just worried that the 602 would be too powerful for the G's! I should have the speakers by Friday, Monday the latest. Thanks 
Monoblocks for Sonus Faber Guarneri ?
How would the 602 do with the Guarneri's? I have a pair on the way frm Italy now, and have a 602 amp with a Mcintosh Tube pre (2200) - Im using a Sony SCD-1 for playback. Will the 602 be OK with the G's? I CAN NOT change amps, so I am stuck with t...