
Responses from whitwye

Is "detailed" audiophile code for too much treble?
Back to the question, Is "detailed" code for treble boost? Yes and no. There can be more detail in presenting bass instruments, not just stringed, but drums, that has nothing to do with high frequencies, but everything to do with presenting the ha... 
Is "detailed" audiophile code for too much treble?
All these responses are suggestive of mild synesthesia, where one sense spills over into experiences in another. In strong synesthesia, for example, some people will experience distinct colors for each word or digit they encounter. Here we have la... 
Best speaker brands for transient response
Surprised to see no mention of Revel here. Percussion comes through with amazing clarity on the F206, which requites transient capability, right? And Revel has several lines superior to those (and one line below, whose F56 is not as clear sounding...