
Responses from ziggyt

Sony Playstation 1 for a CD player ???
Anybody else try the Yaqin ms-12b as a tube buffer with the ps1? 
Good CD Player under $800.00 used
Still haven't had a chance to listen to my unit. I will update soon. Thanks 
Good CD Player under $800.00 used
Ok guys Dont get mad at me. I fully expected to try and find a marantz but I am trying an experiment first. It just arrived today from my technician in California. I will post my findings in the next couple of days, with a full report. Thanks for ... 
Cayin 265ai or Bada 3.3se
Forgot to mention, My budget is a little flexible something from $1000.00 to $1500.00 would be nice. 
Cayin 265ai or Bada 3.3se
Nice too see some feedback on this amp. Thanks for the replies. I'm thinking the cayin and Bada amps are probably both good choices, with the cayin being a little safer (longer track record) But the bada is tempting. Just a side note, I picked up ... 
Cayin 265ai or Bada 3.3se
Yes the complete a is good. Ideally, I would like the same warmth but with more punch. Is the cayin more analytical or smooth? 
Cayin 265ai or Bada 3.3se
Anyone even own one of these amplifiers? 
Good CD Player under $800.00 used
Thanks for all the replies. It was quite helpful 
Good CD Player under $800.00 used
Anybody care to chime in on how the marantz 8001 does on Redbook? 
Good CD Player under $800.00 used
Aron was that a new or used unit? thanks 
Good CD Player under $800.00 used
Hey Aron Check your e-mail. By the way, nice system dude. Say, what do you Audiophiles think of the marantz sa8001 how does it compare to the sa8003 or the xa5400es. Thanks 
Good CD Player under $800.00 used
How did you know I needed to lose wieght? I was thinking of listing the cal player for $350.00 Sound fair? 
Good CD Player under $800.00 used
I must say I am a reluctant to sell it, but its time for an upgrade. I've been out of the audio game for several years so I appreciate all the help. Can Someone chime in on what I should list the cal player for? it has the powerboss. Thanks 
Good CD Player under $800.00 used
Thanks for the quick replies I appreciate that. I am really trying to stay in the $500 to $750 Range though, Any other suggestions? Also, What do you think is a fair asking price for the Cal icon mk2 with powerboss? Thanks again