You have great and very unique speakers.Whatever you do,never sell them because if the sound is not good enough they are not to blame.Opinions you heard so far come from those who have no idea what this is all about.Now, to get the sound the Chameleons are capable of you will need to spend more than $1000 on amplification.I have Mchael's Revolution 80i speakers and use them with Audiolab integrated.It is a good match, but I will at least double the power in the future and go with Rowland,Gryphon or YBA.Chameleons are much much better than what I have and deserve the very best.If you are on a budget at present I would suggest trying Audiolab 8000P,100watt/ch( there is one on now);Audiolab 8000M monoblocks(125watt/ch). Other possibilities could be Monarchy Signature monoblocks or,though it is only 60watt/ch,Rowland model1.I would stay away from valves, but if you are curious you might try Aronov or something else with a good bass.These speakers must be tightly controlled,or you will get a sophisticated boombox.Bryston could be an option,but ,I believe, not the best one.In any case,if you have time try a few amps.