

Responses from david99

Lehmann Audio Black Cube Question
When 1st released the only place to buy 1 was from the Canadian importer. Price $350. I bought mine from there.Keyboard courage has always been a hallmark of internet forums. Just some trivia. 
Lehmann Audio Black Cube Question
When the black cube was released it retailed for $350.Stereophile reviewed it and gave it a class B rating. Soon after the retail price went to $700. Just some trivia.  
Lehmann Audio Black Cube Question
You have to remove the cover to get to the switches. Tiny Allen wrench is needed. A pita. 
Lehmann Audio Black Cube Question
I had a early cube. Dip switches under cover like yours. 
Quincy Jones Interview
List on your local Craigslist. Easy enough ? 
Biggest bang for buck headphones removed really?
Heaven forbid audiogon may lose a few bucks in fees. 
Goodbye paypal!
+1 infection 
Recommendations for IC and speaker cable
I'm a Paul Speltz Anti-Cable fan also, both speaker and IC's.They replaced my way more expensive MIT cables, and a good bud replaced his stupid expensive Cardas cables. 
Too many cans with no storage!
A decorative towel bar will work. 
"Breakfast In America"...a lost cause?
I have the domestic pressing and on CD and I think they both sound great. 
Why some preamps does not play music? Cold?
CD Player with good headphone amp
Marantz CD-5005 has a very good sounding headphone amp. It's a great sounding CD player also.It sounds very close to my tube headphone amp.Audio Advisor $399 shipped. 30 day return policy if you don't like it. 
Can anyone help with a load of equipment I have acquired
You could also contact a Audio dealer who could sell for you. Just hope you can find a fair and honest one. 
How to sell fuse on Audiogon?
I've had good luck selling on Audio Advisor. I've bought and sold here since 1997, but the fees pushed me away.