$100,000 line stage

I know this level of product is not aimed at me. However, im sure it sounds great. The reviewer purchased the unit he reviewed. 


The transformers they use were buried underneath the base of Mount Fuji for 10
years prior to being installed, allowing them to project that very organic sound.

One of my goals is to attend one of the major audio shows next year. It will be exciting to hear the components at ultra high price levels. I know hotel rooms are not always optimal listening conditions, however, probably the closest ill get to such pricey stereo equipment

Do you really think the reviewer bought the review unit at 50% off retail? Mark-ups on some of these uber priced gear can be unbelievable. When I was importing Kondo gear (Audio Note Japan) and selling Ongaku amps they had a retail of $89,000. I sold them to  customers for 24-26k depending on the value of the Yen and still made a profit! I bet the reviewer didn't pay more than 20k for the pre-amp.
That may be accurate in this case. I'm not going to question any reviewer's ethics or practices since I do not know them personally or follow their work. I know some reviewers in major stereo rags purchase equipment as well.

As someone who's been in and around the business for a long time, I don't think those numbers are accurate at all.

That bit of information, if true, would have hit the streets long ago.
Why be concerned regarding what another person chooses to do with their own money?

I don't see it that way Charles, I see it as a money grabbing whore taking advantage of a rich fool and his money.

Cheers George  
The transformers they use were buried underneath the base of Mount Fuji for 10 years prior to being installed, allowing them to project that very organic sound.
As a soil scientist, I can advise them of the best place for an even more organic sound.  Hell, for those kind of $, they can bury them under my house for as long as they want ;-).  I wouldn't even demand accommodation pricing; my pre-amp is just fine. 


The actor your referring to was W.C. Fields,  the phrase you reference "There's a sucker born every minute"  is associated with PT Barnum not Fields  :-)

Good Listening
