
Responses from aberyclark

My Esoteric DV-50S died. Where do I go next?
Did entity tell you which part(s) needed replaced? A place like this may have what you need. Here is a new laser lens pickup module for the DV50s https://www.ebay.com/itm/364184501105?_skw=dv50s+esoteric&itmmeta=01JN4R88VJCKZA1TC9WQBZEW88&... 
Topping P50 power supply, + Zen Streamer + Topping E50 DAC
How would you hook the Zen stream to the p50?  
DAC recommendation for DSD input
If I could afford one, the T+A 200 Dac would be what I would be looking at. Like yourself, I have tons of DSD files (Sacd rips, Downloads, etc). My topping dac does do native DSD and there is a big difference vs a Dac that converts to PCM. Even at... 
Completely Blown Away--Geshelli JNOG3 with SparkoS Dual SS2590 Op-amps
How much of a step down was your E70 velvet? I really enjoy my E70v  
Anyone own the Topping e70 Velvet? I just ordered one
I've heard good things about the D70 Octo. I may give it a try. The Velvet is sounding really, really good.  
Six DAC Comparison
I have always considered a "perfect measuring" DAC like the Benchmark as something a mastering engineer would use. Providing a baseline of clarity and evenness so the engineer can add the "flavors".  In some regards, I would think an audiophile w... 
Anyone own the Topping e70 Velvet? I just ordered one
I cancelled the R26. Amazon and the dealer keeps delaying the delivery. I listened to my e70V over the last couple of days and its sounding wonderful. I'm not certain the R26 is $1200 better. I'll use that money toward my subwoofer update. The e70... 
Gustard R26 - different sound signatures in different units
Don't forget China has lots of counterfeit items. Many are offered on aliexpress and ebay.  If a McIntosh 275 can be copied, I'm sure plain box China DACS are of no real challenge. https://www.aliexpress.us/w/wholesale-mcintosh-amp.html?spm=a2g0... 
Anyone own the Topping e70 Velvet? I just ordered one
I now have a Gustard R26 coming tomorrow. I'm looking forward to testing it out as well. If the R26 built in ethernet sounds good (roon), I have a plan for my current Ifi Zen for another system. We'll see, in my system, if the Gustard r26 is worth... 
DAC break-in question
I do believe that break-in does happen. However, 1. I think the general sound characteristic of a component will be apparent when you first hear it. I do not believe that a new component will sound like a clock radio when first used then 500 hour... 
DAC break-in question
Thanks so much. I have not done any serious listening to my new Topping e70 Velvet. I hope to start this weekend. So I will leave it on and stream from roon.   Again thanks  
Anyone own the Topping e70 Velvet? I just ordered one
The E70v menu is a bit complicated at first. I had to read the manual to get familiar with it. I'm still a little confused about the "stand by" options. I leave my Dacs on 24/7 anyway. So far so good listening to the Dac playing background music. ... 
Anyone own the Topping e70 Velvet? I just ordered one
I hooked everything in last night using a balanced connection. Just playing different sample rates, the E70V switched with ease with no clicks or noise. I am using the 5 volt setting. Out of the box the e70V sounds really nice. Compared to my Pro-... 
BS meter is pegged!
How much can a streamer (let alone a $20,000 one) improve a signal coming from a $150 Modem/Router provided by an internet provider?  
Anyone own the Topping e70 Velvet? I just ordered one
I've been reading the same. The only higher end dacs I have heard were in much higher end systems than mine. So, is it the DAC, or is it the system? The only way to find out is trying one in my own home system.