$100,000 line stage

I know this level of product is not aimed at me. However, im sure it sounds great. The reviewer purchased the unit he reviewed. 


The actor your referring to was W.C. Fields,  the phrase you reference "There's a sucker born every minute"  is associated with PT Barnum not Fields  :-)

Good Listening


There's always a market for exclusivity. It's the measurement that measures the owner. 
I recently sold my Audio Note Zero linestage for a mere $300. Remote included! Maybe I should have asked for more?!!!
Ignorance is bliss. The build and parts quality justifies the price tag. The internal wiring is all liquid metal and all those zip ties receive quantum treatment. The high quality fuses are also directional. This stuff is not cheap ya’ll. Sure, my buddy's Z06 costs less but it does not have the bespoke plywood and zip ties.