12 inch Graham Phantom

Anyone compared this to the 9" or 10" arm tube?

My wife told me I wasn't qualified to comment on the differences between a 9" and 12" length.
I heard that Holmes Audio is offering a 14" tonearm.

I'd worry about rigidity at that length.
Is there a pill that can increase tonearm rigidity? I need it to last for as long as the music is playing.
I would think that any improvement is minor. I changed my VPI arm from the 9 inch sig to the 10.5, and the change was insignificant. I would think that the arm mass increases with length, and even if the rigidity is maintained, the biggest change is in the mass of the arm.
>>10-01-10: Dgad
Is there a pill that can increase tonearm rigidity?<<

Now this is an excellent question.

Many of my customers use Audioagra. It enables them to have a satisfying listen session when the moment is right and have complete confidence in their system.

And it has a high WAF.