$1300 used amp to effortlessly drive VR4JR

Downsizing my system and I need to choose a used amp that will drive my Von Schweikert VR4JR with no strain in a 22 x 15 x 10 listening room, too sometimes loud levels. I'm on a tight budget, so buying on the used market and need to stay under $1300. Under consideration is:

Musical Fidelity A300 or 3.2
Blue Circle BC24
Channel Islands D100
Unison Unico
Plinius 8200 MKII

I am somewhat aware of all of these (all w/ thier strengths & weaknesses) Pretty certain that the CI & Plinius will drive the VR4JR but not my ist choice. The MuFi if powerful enough, are amp's that I won't regret. My 1st choices are the BC24 or the Unison but am concerned they will falter at higher volumes. At this price level I rather sacrifice some detail in favor of a laid back warmer sound.

Any experience with these or any other low priced amps when matched
with the jr's?
Any comments or suggestions appreciated!
I second the Innersound ESL,but only in digital based systems.The magic isn't there with analog/Digital spectacular.You might consider the Symphonic Line RG-1 MKII/III.
You can get a new Dussun V8i from highend palace for $1600. Should do the job.
I'd buy this one on Audiogon. Looks like the best in your price range.

Thanks for your input & some excellent suggestions. A couple I never heard of! I talked w/ a couple of people about Plinius; Originally thought about DK, but the upgraded versions are more $; not familiar w/ the Innersound or Aragon - (looking for Innersound,I somehow ended up at Mike Elliot's Counterpoint rebuild site-good stuff & ran out of time b4 getting into a search for Aragon); spent an hour reading about the Dussun (sounds like a great buargain);
but coming from tube monoblocks (Wolcott) I think Van Alstine may be the way for me to ease into this downsizing.
Anyway, your experienced posts certainly helped & provided for an entertaining Sat. afternoon!