$1500 tube amp for La Scalas?

hi all,

Might be getting my first pair of Heritage speakers and I'd like to see what all of the tube hype is about.  I will probably primarily be listening through some sort of streamer, perhaps something like the Bluesound Node or similar.

I've seen praise of the Willsenton R8 but wanted to see what else was out there, perhaps if I went to the used market.  Can you suggest some models which might be in my range and would work well with the a single input source?

I've also heard really good things about the Decware but not sure about the current lead times nor the wattage output in the models in my pricerange.  Listening room is fairly large so I was thinking while the La Scalas won't need a ton of power, I was thinking something more than 2w might be necessary.

Appreciate any thoughts in advance!



You might wish to consider a Coincident Dynamo EL34SE MkIII integrated, priced below $1,500 new with shipping included. Nice sounding amp at that price point.

Quicksilver monos or integrated. And I would also think the Rogue Sphinx would mix well with the LaScalas. 

Googling a little and saw the Quicksilver mentioned, esp their integrated amp.  Too bad the tubes are all closed up with a cover!  I sort of like the idea of seeing them.  Probably silly, but still

tubes 4 hifi



This amp can be purchased assembled and would be a great match with the LaScallas 

It over your budget but the ST-120 would add the power for the bottom end.