

Responses from russ69

"How do you know Russ? Im interested?" I've owned two Klipsch models and spent a full day with LaScalas, I've owned two very good Triangles, Own one pair of Martin-Logans and extensive experience with another. Plus, I like tube equipment at low v... 
what is more popular silver or black face plates
Silver, black faced gear is hard to see in a darkened room.  
Electrostats are good, so are Triangles and Tekton. Sorry but Klipsch are not what you seek, most take a little juice to get bouncy.   
Unmatched power output tubes. Bad idea ?
Matched tubes are always better, IMHO.   
Need a little help
Plus +2  
Vali 2 ++ as a preamp?
I used the Vali as a preamp for a short time. I have a lot of good preamps but the Vali is not one of them. I have a little micro preamp that I bought long ago, and it is fabulous. I was hoping I could capture lightning again. No luck. I also have... 
What would you save in a fire?
I have a lot of stuff. An entire lifetime of hobbies. The only blood relative I have left is one nephew. When I die, I will be soon forgotten. At this point in my life, I enjoy all my stuff, but it doesn't have any meaning to anybody else. Everyth... 
As good or better than Magnepan 3.7i
To Fritz, Quicksilver, and all the exceptional makers trying to get the word out
I bought a QS preamp at the end of last year. I had Cary SLP-98 F1, two Audio Research preamps, Schitt Kara, and others. The Cary is my favorite, but the QS is a very close second. No trouble using it in the best systems. If you consider price, it... 
Which DAC - Streamer or Preamp?
Not to bag on your older Heresy but I did have Heresy IIIs. Not sure that's a system to tell minor differences. So yes, try all the ways you can hook it up and see what you think.   
Please explain mono
Back to Mono!  
Amp search
What's wrong with the amp you have?  
Amp search
You'll need a crossover to match levels.  
Is the microwave the perfect model for audio marketting?
You just need an 8-year-old to show you how do everything with your phone.  
What is the advantage of being able to select the MONO button?
If you are starting with a mono recording and a mono cartridge, use will only need one channel of the preamp and a mono amp with one speaker. But if you are playing through a stereo amp and two speakers it gets a little more complicated.  For that...