You`ll get many suggestions as there`re a number of worthy contenders. The problem is(I`m sure you reconize this) there`re too many variables involved for someone to really guide you to just one choice.It`s such a personal decision,given your system and even more so, your ears and taste. Most of the preamps listed above are excellent and will compliment most systems.
I know the Atmasphere pretty well and the VAC Signature MK II very well. These two along with my Coincident Statement Linestage I could without reservation recommend with much confidence and enthusiasm.All three can and will provide top tier sound quality in a well thought out system.
To select one and say it is universally the 'best' is`nt possible,they all would get the job done at a very high level if natural sound, honesty and realism is the objective.
Best of luck in your search.I`m certain with some patience you`ll find what you seek.
You`ll get many suggestions as there`re a number of worthy contenders. The problem is(I`m sure you reconize this) there`re too many variables involved for someone to really guide you to just one choice.It`s such a personal decision,given your system and even more so, your ears and taste. Most of the preamps listed above are excellent and will compliment most systems.
I know the Atmasphere pretty well and the VAC Signature MK II very well. These two along with my Coincident Statement Linestage I could without reservation recommend with much confidence and enthusiasm.All three can and will provide top tier sound quality in a well thought out system.
To select one and say it is universally the 'best' is`nt possible,they all would get the job done at a very high level if natural sound, honesty and realism is the objective.
Best of luck in your search.I`m certain with some patience you`ll find what you seek.