2.5 Tower vs 2 Way Tower vs 2 Way Monitor

I want to upgrade my Dali Ikon 5 MK2 speakers with another set of small tower speakers.  I’ve had these speakers for 7 years and I want to experiment with some other speakers.  I would prefer to buy used speakers, but I would purchase new speakers if I found something that really appeals to me.  I need to find speakers that are less than 37 inches tall to fit with the décor in my living room.  I’ve been listening to and looking at some other similar 2 ½ way speakers from Monitor Audio, Dynaudio and some other companies.  I have also discovered some small 2 way tower speakers from Totem and Proac that are posted in various internet forums.

I live a large metropolitan area where there a several high end stereo stores within 60 miles.  None of them have any 2 way tower speakers to listen to.  Since two way tower speakers have very similar types of driver/crossover setups as monitor speakers, I am wondering what the differences in sound would be between 2 way tower speakers and similar 2 way monitor speakers on stands.  Would I just as well off getting some good monitor speakers and stands?  There certainly would be a lot more choices.  Your opinions would be appreciated.

FYI,  My setup is pretty simple.  It consists of Roon, a Matrix Audio streamer/DAC, and a Rotel 1570 integrated amplifier.  My room is pretty big, 21 ft wide by 24 feet deep with a cathedral ceiling.


A pair of REL T7x would really improve things. You could then look at 2 way monitors on stands further down the road. Maybe after an amplifier upgrade.

I do have an NHT subwoofer and it helps a lot.  I have tried used my SVS Micro subwoofer in my system, which works well, too.  I'm looking for improving the speakers.