

Responses from noromance

Subwoofer advice !
Many of these subs have speaker level inputs. You connect thinner wire connections from your amp (or speaker) to the sub. Depends on the model so you should check first. The subs have a high impedance input so present no load on the amp.   
Best ear plugs for both sound quality and reduction
Tight band in a smallish club and the sound was clear and clean with excellent overall sound quality. Except it was unbelievably, punched in the chest loud. I survived it using FLARE AUDIO Isolate earplugs. Anyone unprotected must be regretting it.   
One Sub or Two?
30x40 feet? Start saving for S class RELs.  
Vinyl audiophilia in the New York Times
Further to my above comment, I will say, that when Chad compared (demoed) the original 50s/60s recordings (on vinyl) with the new remastered pressings, I generally preferred the older records. I have a solid collection of originals and many are my... 
where did all the ceramic cones go to?
Folks discovered that decoupling with springs was better than coupling with points.  
12AX7 tubes for the phono stage of VAC Avatar SE integrated.
@inna That’s a bummer. I’ve used scores of different ax7 tubes and these are the best to these ears. Anyhow, I’m not sure why you’re fizzling around with Mullards and their recessed highs and dull warmth, and RCA black plates with their constricte... 
Vinyl audiophilia in the New York Times
Sweet article. I had the pleasure of sitting in on a comprehensive demo of AS remasters with Chad some years ago in New York.    
12AX7 tubes for the phono stage of VAC Avatar SE integrated.
Shuguang Black Treasure 12AX7LS from Grant Fidelity    
Is there an 'Audiophile' Reel-to-Reel Machine for Under $1,000?
Not really. A used Revox B77 or Sony TC765 but would need to be serviced. Refurbished units go for $3-5k.  
CV2493 Tubes, can't find any info
http://www.r-type.org/exhib/abs0003.htm And https://www.radiomuseum.org/tubes/tube_cv2493.html  
@samiamsam Don't worry about too much bass. High quality subs like REL are for sound reinforcement and not just gobs of bass. Please go for a pair as it will enhance soundstaging and balance.   
Add a pair of REL subwoofers.   
Trojan Warning?
But the OS hasn't changed in 20 years. It's harder to use than Windows 11.  I'm using Mac, so no Malwarebytes, no antivirus and no cryptic warnings.  
Tampa Audio Show 2025
There’s nothing quite as amusing as seeing $20k 2" thick power cords hanging out of an 80 cent receptacle behind the plastic ficus.  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
The New Black Eagle Jazz Band – At Symphony Hall (Philo 1982)