2-channel pre-amp and dedicated processor?

My small home does not allow me to keep my 2-channel analog system physically separate from "HT" digital needs. So, I want your opinion on a configuration:

use existing 2-channel system (separate pre-amp and amp)for analog sources, but connect the pre-amp's tape or aux to a surround sound processor, This will be for the left and right fronts for HT. From the processor, connect to a 3-channel amp for the left & right rears and center: for HT.

2 issues:

1. I have an excellent Class A 1980s pre-amp with a phono stage, but without unity gain or pass-through. I don't know if the tape or aux loop will work in the way I want it to

2. is there a dedicated surround processor out there? I don't need a pre-amp built in (if issue #1 becomes a non-issue)

I think my configuration idea will work, but I need your advice, and suggestions for a processor.



Showing 2 responses by docw

Did you solve this problem? I just upgraded to a very good integrated and also have a small room. I also bought a Pioneer DV-47Ai, which a universal player incl. SACD and DVD-A. I want to sample these media, esp. for music (over 80%). I have old speakers which would work well as rear channels and a new 10" sub.

I am considering purchasing a unit on audiogon @ http://rgonshow.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/shm.pl?vantas&1061395057&item&Artech. (www.artech-electronics.com/)

The only issue for me is that I don't need the amps contained therein, since I have several working mid/hi end old amps, although the unit may sound better since it's newer. My older amps are halfler xl 280 stock, gas son of ampzilla basic mod by gasworks, citation 12 stock and old dyna st 70, needs work probably.

Hope this helps. Any suggestions for me. I don't want to spend over $500 to 600, used is OK.
Additional comment and correction...could the Vantas solve the problem? If so, is there something like it without the amplifiers? Or am I better off selling the old amps and using the 3 in the Vantas? Any advice?