2003 CES Show Report from Father & Son Audio

Finally got the pics on the web. Report is not quite done yet, should be by the end of the week. If you have a slow internet connection, be patient, there are a LOT of pics.


I saw the picture of the new VMPS speakers, how was the finish on these? hard to tell from the picture, also how did they sound in that small room?
Thanks for the kind words everyone, appreciate it. By the way, as I stated in the report, it is not quite done yet, so check back often, as I will add more comments as time permits.

Sogood51...The finish was quite good on the VMPS. Given the amount of hype surrounding these speakers, I must admit our expectations were high. Unfortunately, the sound was not anything to get excited about. Dry and lifeless were the first terms that came to our minds. Maybe it was the room, or the goofy "Trinaural" processor they were using...I am not sure. However, as with all products at the show, just because we say we didn't like the sound, it does NOT mean that the products themselves are "bad".

Regards...Mike - Father & Son Audio
Hi Mike....Thanks for some of the best CES coverage I've seen. Just curious when you heard the VMPS RM/X- early on or later in the weekend? Brian Cheney admits the sound was far from good in the beginning, but really had it dialed in by Sunday. Some Harmonic Discorders who also heard the RM/X's were also less than thrilled until they heard again when Brian had them dialed in. Just curious as I own the RM40 and the sound is far from dry and lifeless, not that I'm saying that's what you heard. Brian said him made some changes in aiming the tweeter pod so maybe that was the cause? Just curious- thanks again for all of your input.
