2017 ‘Keeper’ speakers under - $25K

Heading towards the second half of 2017, I thought to ask here what other’s feel based on their experiences, wants or desires, exactly which recent production speakers under $25K, would be the ones you would want to marry.

Or be in a very long term fundamentally though not totally committed, relationship.

One wherein if they promise to satisfy on demand, you promise to keep them clean and sufficiently supplied with power and the purest of signals, not to leave dirty clothes on the floor, and to take the trash out daily, er, uh, regularly.

Actually, those last two items are predominately conscience driven and do not command perfect adherence.

Which speakers hands down just flat out captivated your attention, fancy, or were so compelling they made a significant impact.

In short, Speakers that have taken your breath away .

As speakers are merely one part of the ching let’s qualify things somewhat.

1. Speakers which can run very well in medium sized rooms. EX. 14 to 18ft wide, and 17 to 25ft long or deep, with ceilings from 8.5ft to 10ft H, or so.

2. If a sub was or should have been added, please, mention that as well.

3. If an Ultra high end setup, massive SS power amps, Tubes, or flea watt amps, were feeding and or driving them noting it would be appropriate.

4. Recent production since 2015. New or used.

Although it seems prudent to list only current production speakers, I know adding on the facet of pre-owned adds a lot more choices for the ‘desert island’ I got mine, you get your’s, scenario, but what the hey. It beats that 250 to 500 plus hours of run in new units usually insist upon.

If links to accounts or info on them is available, please include it.

As this is about options anyhow, let no design be excluded.

Many speakers out there actually.... but for overall quality/sound/price???

 - Nearly all XTZ speakers, but especially the Master M2, Divine Alpha and Divine 100.33.

 - and Tannoy Prestige series under the 25K line, and the Tannoy XT8F and XT6F.

Most valuable, definitive and absolute choice for overall sound quality under 25k is the XTZ Divine Alpha, no hesitation. You have to go over 25k to better it, for me!! Ridiculously good and beautiful for the money. 
Lowthers were mentioned earlier and I have to agree! They will suck you in and take you on a wonderful trip when implemented properly. Charney Audio has created such a speaker(s) with the Companion (DX55 or DX65) and the Concerto (DX4) tractrix designed rear loaded horns.

Full disclaimer, I have know Charney for about 11 years. Both our lives had gotten very busy and we lost touch for a while. In August of 2015 he called  me about the speakers he was building. Sent me a link to his site and 2 days later I was in his listening room. Floored is an understatement! The top to bottom coherency was amazing! Emotional involvement was of the charts! I got pissed at him since I now had to sell off my current system and obtain a pair of his creations.

Last Fall I picked up a pair of the Maestro and have been very pleased since! The Maestro utilizes an Omega RS7 (6.5") driver in a slightly bigger cabinet than the Companion. In my room, 11 x 15 x 8 the Maestro play deep and wide. Current configuration is  CR Electronics Design Woodham 2 300b integrated and Decware modified ZDSD with Antelope Audio Live clock. We felt that a SS dac is the way to go with the Maestro and I have no desire to upgrade or change anything! Well maybe a good transformer coupled preamp will be in my future but for now I'm fine with system set up! No need for a sub! The drivers are very fast and have yet to find a sub that can keep up. In my room the Maestro has decent output into the mid 30's which is plenty deep enough for me. I tried with past systems to get deeper bass, even with room correction they never sounded "right".

Check Charney out and if possible make an appt for a listen...


Firstonetallguy > Martin Logan Expression ESL 13a electrostatic and dynamic hybrid speakers.

Blindjim > please forgive the delay. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
Stats have a huge following here and with several of my friends. I, on the other hand have a substantial issue with panels. Why? Beats me. Perhaps the space and power requirements, but mostly its their lack of kick you in the stomach or chest dynamics, and bass extension I’ve noticed so common to them.
In nearly all other areas of the audio nut spec sheet for sound and sonics, they excel. Well, the sweet spot often gets tiny.

Maybe someday I’ll grow up and buy a pair of them or Vandy’s. the latter will take longer to overcome as there exists a small personal gripe

Thomasgc > Wilson Sabrina these speakers are something special!

Blindjim > Hi. Sorry for the getting back delay. Thanks. Saw these online but feel a slightly larger speaker is preferred as the room size is gonna grow from its present dimensions as well. .

suncoast_audio > blindjim - you may want to audition KEF Blade 2's.

Mike, please forgive the delay.thanks so very much.
Blindjim > If you don’t mind, PM me please.
RE Kef I’ve been interested in Kef for years but have no exp there.

Snopro > If you like SET Amps, then Hornings are very nice and no subs needed.

Blindjim > please forgive the delay. I sincerely appreciate the second note for horns. My concern there is once more, probably all in my head, and a lack of exp with them. If your input was added after reading my last post herein, it is more than appreciated.

Harrylavo > Used high-end Thiels, and especially the 7.2.

Blindjim > sorry about being late here. Thanks much. That’s not a bad idea at all. Again, their performance improves with escalated power as I understand it.

Blindjim > Come to think of it, many of the upper end speakers do their best with more than 100 – 200wpc… as I’ve read or heard personally.

Skanda > Raidhos

Blindjim > Tanks. Never heard of these what so ever. Haven’t even seen an article about them yet.

The jaw met floor sound that haunts me, or did haunt me for years was the first time I heard a Thor TA 1000 line stage pre + a pair of Thor TA 30 monos driving VSA VR4JRs sourced by a then popular tube CDP from off shore and Audience spkr wires.
I found out later on, one simply can not duplicate the sound of a certain system, with different gear. It can however be closely replicated closely just not identically.

Along the way, I found out I really enjoyed the EL 34 amps, and a SET – like sound…. Though not 100%. Not on cone spkrs with normal sensitivities any way.

In all, I have to admit I like the sound Tubes deliver. I don’t like the bottom end most tube amps provide with yet again, spkrs with low imps or below 90db sens.

Then and this is based on exp only, the answer is to forgoe spkrs with std db ratings and low imp ratings, and seek out 95db and up spkrs with easier imp loads, right? Right. Well, maybe right.

My former Sonata . IIIs had reportedly 93DB and ‘appox’ 8ohm imp loads. A pair of past Dodd monos running Ultralinear was an enjoyable every time setup despite the musical genre... Mostly.

I’ve been unable to figure out precisely how to get a tube power train to drive ‘what ever’ spkrs within sensible financial constraints, that can accommodate every sort of music. Without adding a sub. Albeit, I’ve seen subs on systems that cost lots of $$$ with speakers that are very ‘spensive too.

I’m certain the ‘C’ word is soon to shove its ugly face into the formula too. And I despise being pushed around by ‘compromise’, although it’s a salient and recurring factor in these endeavors. At least it is in my world.

As such, I’m thinking SS or likewise amp (S) for the main rig going forward.

I am liking what I read about the Vienna Acoustic ‘Musics’, albeit not terribly the power needed to really make them sit up and sing.

As well, on a lesser dollar scale, a tube Integrated, or stereo amp or monos and a pair of decent or high Eff monitors for a secondary system in a smaller room.

I think these two approaches weed out a lot of the ‘C’ word from either effort. Not all, but more than a fair bit.
Hope this helps more.

You mentioned you have a personal gripe with Vandersteen. May I, respectfully, ask?
I mentioned the Treo to you earlier, but after reading more of what you require, I think the Vandy Quattro Wood CT with 2Wq subs might meet your need. They don't require large or expensive amps to sing, With the built in bass adjustment along with the subs, you can perfectly dial in the bottom end for just about any room. And, just my opinion, I think they would give you that "take your breath away" appeal you are looking for. All under 20k. I do admit there are a lot of very nice choices here to choose from.