2021 audio system wish list

So, what changes, if any, are you planning to your system for 2021? 

I read the first page or so of this thread and felt so happy this New Years Day. Then I happened upon the "political" and "pandemic" posts and I became unhappy. With all respect to all points of view, it has taken this very informative post way off track and it would be oh-so nice to return to the title of this discussion.

Happy New Year to you all.
I ordered several power cords from Audio Envy and began experimenting with them in December. I've just concluded that they are pretty amazing. Once burned in, they put power cords in the $1k range to shame. Going to strategize and call to order more next week.

Also very much interested in moving on to a very good power conditioner. I have a Shunyata Hydra 6 and want to move more to SOTA. Any suggestions would be welcome but will post new thread soon.

"It's one thing to post a link to a chart that South Dakota posts and quite another to see news reports on adherence."

If this chart below is anything to go by, South Dakota is a little ahead of doing its part. Check "vaccinated per capita". Three times better than California and even New York.

It is one thing to have beliefs and quite another to see news reports on adherence.

How Florida ranks in administering the coranavirus vaccines (tampabay.com)

Now, back to reality.
Sorry guys, I am gulity as charged. Unfortunately, tempers run high and people get hurt because of misinformation they are presented on weird unrelated Internet fora.