

Responses from dinov

Why did this just happen ?
Less noise  
Solo streamer
You may want to consider the iFi streamer. It is an excellent and very inexpensive streamer that punches way above its very low price point.   
VPI to What
Not me, I love mine!  
Looking for RCA cables from preamp to amp?
All good suggestions here, Audioquest king Cobra from Music Direct is probably the best budget IC I’ve found. They run these on sale and have specials all the time. Good luck.    
McIntosh tube upgrade - worthwhile?
Yes, I put in vintage medical grade Amprex 12ax7s in my c2300 and it makes a great improvement in lowering the noise floor. As for my vintage mc30 s, mx 110z and MC 240 I use vintage telefunkens in the signal tubes, and some rca black plates in th... 
Great Interview-
+1 @hilde45 As audiophiles, “live” is not what we are after. A lot of people throw that term around when describing high end audio but in reality it’s about getting the “truthfulness” of the recording and how different components bring that out; a... 
EVS Music Purifiers - Amazed by how much improvement they make! Anyone else try them?
+1 @james_edward I have been using Walker High Definition Links as well for years and I agree I wouldn’t be without them. They clean and focus the sound in an amazing way, and truly add to a well balanced system. Whenever I see them on eBay I buy ... 
What's the value in lots of capacitors inside a line stage preamp?
The hallmark of a good preamp is how quiet it is. One of the benefits of capacitors is that they help the preamp from introducing noise into your system.   
Would I benefit with Roon?
Initially I wasn’t sold on ROON, another subscription, costs etc. After using it for over a year, Id be hard pressed to go back. The way it manages my music is on my NAS is outstanding and gives you a tremendous amount of control over the metadata... 
why expensive streamers
+1 @soix +1 @ghdprentice Going from a node to an Esoteric NO5 was a huge upgrade in not only performance but sound. Upgrading my Ethernet to fiber optic another improvement, and finally cables, ie: usb, Ethernet to the fiber connection, and interc... 
Sound stage of studio recordings
It can vary with each recording and how the engineer mixed the recording. This can be especially true with older jazz and other recordings etc from the fifties and sixties when stereo recordings were just starting. Intentional separation of vocals... 
My Remote on my preamp has stopped working
Batteries first, replace remote next…  
One answer to an oft-asked question.
Quobuz radio/ playlists, ROON, and Radio Paradise are my top three.  Mostly, I’ll let ROON keep playing after I’ve listened to an album and it will select songs similar to what I’m listening to. Great way to hear new music IMO.   
Audioquest or Nordost for speaker cable
What is preferred/best contact cleaner these days?