2023 AXPONA Show Report

Here's all the Exhibitors at this year's show  



You all got to hear the all new Mon Acoustic Supermon Isobaric Speakers and Sanctus Cables, they must be heard to be believed ! They will at Booth 646 at this Show !

Who's going to this Show ?


I stopped going to these shows as i dont see the point anymore. The only way to evaluate speakers is by listening in a familiar environment. Unfortunately the show organizers didnt realize that before they organized it! 

I also remember some of the more snobbish show exhibitors wouldn't let you play your own music as they feared it would make their speakers sound horrific. 

Post removed 

An Aric Audio Super 300B SET amp with WE 300B tubes will be in room 705. If you like (and can use) low power amps the Super 300B SET is a really nice amp.