24/96 vs 24/192 DAC

What is the main purpose between these 2? Is it (24/192) for sacd/hdcd/dvd-a play back - better sampling rate? Please explain in plain terms, as I am a tech newbie. I was going to buy either an Arcam cd72 or a Jolida 100 but found out that they both are 24/96. So is it better to get something with 24/192 DAC since it is newer/better technology? Please help!!!!!!!
Thanks in advance

Showing 1 response by jeanluc07

thanks Rcprince. I am more confuse as ever. please correct me as I am a tech newbie:
redbook cds - regular cds as we call them, sample @ 96khz
sacd - superaudio cd, sample @ 192khz??? can only play in sacd player or universal player
dvd-a - dvd audio format sample @ 96khz??? can only play in dvd-a player or universal player
HDCD - ?????

Or are the cd formats and the upsampling rate are indepentent of each other????? thanks