$27,500 for whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???

$27,500 is a nice chunk of change, even in the audiophile world.  I think we can all agree on this.  You can get a pretty kick ass system for that amount.  I think we can all agree on this, too.  I just read something at stereophile.com that almost...almost made me choke on my triscuit.   Luckily for me, I had water ready to go, knowing how dry those things are.  $27,500 is the price for a paint upgrade, a color called cranberry pearl finish on a pair of speakers made by Wilson, the Chronosonic XVX.   Now, when we hear the name Wilson, we all know what that means.   But come on man,  $27,500 for a paint upgrade. 
I limp past a Ferrari, Carerra 4, Honda Clarity to get to the GL-550 beater I drive, I can tell you which has the best paint job..,,
I kind of despise companies like Wilson and the aliens who keep them afloat. I know I shouldn't but....
I have nothing for or against them, but is there a company you like? What is so despicable about Wilson?
We all have selective hearing. Just the moment you have in this life.
The best sounds are in haven, but I am not in a hurry to get there.
Enjoy what you have now, The biggest speakers do not sound best.
An old Russian saying is big house is on rutted foundation.