$27,500 for whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???

$27,500 is a nice chunk of change, even in the audiophile world.  I think we can all agree on this.  You can get a pretty kick ass system for that amount.  I think we can all agree on this, too.  I just read something at stereophile.com that almost...almost made me choke on my triscuit.   Luckily for me, I had water ready to go, knowing how dry those things are.  $27,500 is the price for a paint upgrade, a color called cranberry pearl finish on a pair of speakers made by Wilson, the Chronosonic XVX.   Now, when we hear the name Wilson, we all know what that means.   But come on man,  $27,500 for a paint upgrade. 
Andy, I agree.  All Wilsons should come with a vat of Vaseline lube cuz the buyer is getting shafted. 
I posted once in the same vein about $30,000 cables. Boy was I flamed for rattling the cage. I’m now a lot more zen about what folks want to do with their money. Even when it’s patently obvious value is not evident. The only thing I can’t help feeling is that somehow someone somewhere is suffering or being ripped off in the process of manufacture, distribution and transaction.
Can't understand why people care how or what others spend their hard earned on. I too own Wilson speakers. Yes they are very big, and heavy, and expensive. I love the way they sound, and I also like the look. Not for everybody though, but good for me. You spend your $$ your way, and I'll spend mine my way.Cheers, and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you on the south side of our border.(we had ours a month ago and I'm still full)