300B vs. KT88 SET?

Hi guys, I've heard so much ABOUT tubes that I want to try them. My speakers are very efficient, so there should be no problems with 7 watt SET amps. Unfortunateely, I can't find place to audition them so I need your help. There are number of amps available here on the Agon. Some of them based on 300B tubes and some are using KT88. Thouse that use KT88 are less expencive to buy, and so are the tubes.
But how different do they sound?
All you inputs and opinions are appreciated.
I had coincident Frankenstein 300b monos and they excelled at every genre on my coincident super eclipse iii speakers. Only sold because they didn’t have enough power to drive the coincident pres I upgraded to. I adored those amps and highly recommend trying out a good 300b amp.
I also highly recommend the eml xls 300bs. Bulletproof reliability (mine still tested good after 5 years of daily use and I bought them used), great extension on both ends of the frequency spectrum, and a more reasonable cost than most of the other top 300b competition.
Audio Note tube gear is one of the best too and at a much more reasonable cost here in kits or already put together for you
  They also have Audio Note Alnico speaker kits too with the speaker cabinets already put together for you

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