Years ago I went from one BEL 1001 in stereo to two in mono, then to 4, two per channel. (None of these were the current 1001.) Each time there was an improvement. As long as you are talking apples to apples, fine; but this does not mean 4 BELs are better than two of something else; you'd have to make a direct comparison for that.
4 Mono s
Hi there:
I know alot of folks out there are using Monoblocks and are Biamping. However, are any of you using 4 Mono's? If so, can you compare the sound quality to either regular Monoblocks(2)or biamping. I know I may be crazy, but with good quality Amps at $1000 apiece (like the Odyssey Stratos), the option of One Amp per Channel does not seem as outrageous as it used to be.
I know alot of folks out there are using Monoblocks and are Biamping. However, are any of you using 4 Mono's? If so, can you compare the sound quality to either regular Monoblocks(2)or biamping. I know I may be crazy, but with good quality Amps at $1000 apiece (like the Odyssey Stratos), the option of One Amp per Channel does not seem as outrageous as it used to be.
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