I have not heard the new WE amp myself. But, an old-school Western Electric fan who knows a lot about amps did hear it and thought it sounded quite bad. You must hear it for yourself.
As for non-SET alternatives, I mentioned the Italian brand Synthesis. I have no idea about the specific topology, but, I do think that they sound good. At a local dealership, a shockingly expensive array of amps have been traded in favor of much cheaper Synthesis amps, including Jadis and Audio Note amps that cost more than twice the price. There are custom builders that probably can make something that would fit your requirements, such as Aric Audio and Don Sachs.
Although some Atmasphere output transformerless (OTL) amps are voice a little bit leaner than my personal preference, they make wonderful sounding amps--extremely lively and immediate sounding without being harsh or analytical. I liked the MA-2 model I heard. But, because they don't have output transformers, they tend to have a high source impedance that may not work well with low impedance speakers so you should consult with them. Every serious listener should at least experience the sound of a good OTL amp even if they don't ultimately fit one's bill.