5.1 to 7.1

So question is this. I run a 5.1 system with all Axiom speakers, 99% for Home Theater. My current receiver is a 7.1 Receiver, so I an wondering if its worth changing to 7.1. Furthermore I run QS8's on the sides of my stage, so do I honestly need to run QS8's in back too? Or would a simple pair of QS4's and even M2's be just fine for the back speakers? I have a Cambridge Audio 640R if that matters. Thanks
A better question might be how many who have 7.1 are going back to 5.1?

Depending on how well your receiver does 5.1-7.1 matrixing, IMO 7.1 is far more entertaining by creating a larger surround with more discrete rear channels.
Room size is not an issue.

You'll get the best success by using matched speakers, no dipoles.
Actually, I think room size is an issue. If you are going to put the 7.1 speakers within a foot or two of your listening space then they can actually detract from the sound. If you have multiple feet behind the listening area, they can add. But too close and they just become point sources. Some people put the back speakers on the floor behind the couch/chairs and pointing upward. I tried that once and found it quite unsatisfactory. If you have enough room, they can really fill in the sound. But, IMO, you need space behind to make them really worth will.

FYI - I have a 7.1 theater with plenty of space and the back speakers really add. I have 7.1 in the family room with only a few feet behind the chairs and the back speakers are interesting but honestly do not add that much. They are too localized.
If you have some extra speakers of any kind, just run some wire across the floor and give them a try. It will at least give you an idea of the look and the sound.
I have my QS8's on stands now for a 5.1 system. How far away should the surrounds be from the listening position. it makes it hard when 2 people are sitting on the couch as each is closer to one speaker then the other. I did measure the put in the delay from each speaker from the middle of the couch. Of course when we watch movies, its me and my wife, so neither is center,
Think of the same triangle rule you use for your fronts. I would suggest 5 feet back, which is hard for most people. You can also consider 6.1 which takes the stereo issue out of the picture. You can also use 6.1 with 2 speakers in parallel.