6.5 vs 8 vs 10 woofer

IMHO I think the 8 is the ideal size cone for mid/small sized listening rooms. Even for large size listening rooms. 
The lower mid hz's seem cleaner/clearer. And  there is so little fq's in 905+ of the music we listen to, it seems to me the 8  driver is the most perfect size cone.
A 10 size cone  has the potential to become overwheling, aggressive, attacking when amp gain is pushed just a  tad too much, = Better  volume  control with a  8 vs a 10. 
The 6.5 misses some of that lower bass which a  8 can voice superior. 
After listening to several YT vids with a  10 FR, I had considered going 10, but i think  staying with a  8 avoids regrets. 
I listen at low/mid volume. 

, Voxtiv, makes a sub with a crossover. OOOOOP

I've lost interest in the Voxativ
1st off , good luck attempting to get in touch with any USA  distributor.
I'm more interested in a  10, for the lower fq range. This will be my very 1st 10 inch in my system, I'm excited. 
The   10, I will not require a  sub.
 Another local tech strognly suggested to avoid all subs. I agree.

These 8" drivers work from 60hz to 300hz.

Well yeah, if you can confirm that 60hz for the 8 as real.
manufacturers tech's sometimes are a  bit ~stretched~.
From the chart on the web site, Richard sees the 10 going ~ 40's~~
Which I am not so sure there are 8's which can go into the 40's, in ~ accurate testing~~ apart from what the lab states on the specs. 

I don't care WHO say it.. More is better when it comes to drivers...

~~~ My 2 local techs, emply stacked speakers, = More is better at least for their requirements. 
I am not interested in ~~more~~ my listening rm is 10x12, a  single 10 will be more  than  enough spl.
I'm not interested in ~~concert sound stage~~.
I'm trying to acheive the most accurate fidelity at low/mid volume. 
FR meets this requirement.
xovers are a  dismal failure
+1 to what everyone else said...

this guy doesn’t strike me as another kenjit but I have been mia for a little bit.

I was thinking that drivrr material, weight, power of the magnet, voicecoil size, cooling, basket material etc. all play a larger role than size, no pun intended.

At the end of the day though, theres no replacement for displacement... technology you say?  Apply that same tech to larger and its better

You need to take a video with your cell phone so we can validate your approach.


I’m bad about pics but you can see some primed MB and Servo units on my page here.

As far as validate anything.. None needed I really don’t look for validation from anyone. One of the best systems I’ve ever built though.. I did have a Strathearn System, that might have been better.. 500 lb bass bins.. TONNAGE comes to mind...Bigger rooms back then too...

I’ve built, NOT bought, quite a few... Though the VMPS RMx Elixirs aren’t my idea, the Dipole option and Tweeter relocation are.. The rear section to the monitors are and have been in primer sense the stupid heart attack thing.. SLOWED me down.. LOL all 16 of them.. Hands twisting up in knots after 15 minutes.. PITA...

OP don’t get all upset.. If I would have know you were in a smaller room I would suggest NOT stacking my SATs Just one on top of the OB servos from GR or no GR at all. My columns are good from 26-700hz. If I want..
Accurate, LOL almost ZERO overshoot..... Reproduction has never been better, but mighty close..

I like the Columns and RM30 monitor too. (no bass section) Accurate and FAST come to mind with less that 10% distortion in the bass region...Can't get that from a larger cone speaker... 8" is the right size for me.

BUT I use a 10" that reaches 18 hz in a small box... about 5 or 6 years sense that discovery.. 145. per driver..
8 in a room, look out.. They use to make the curtains move in and out of the cracked windows.. A few nails came loose in that room KIDS.... :-) 20X16x8

Like I said maybe this year.. PICS too.. More is better...
