$6-7k to Spend on Turntable

Hi All,

My old Oracle Mark II I have had for years has developed a serious problem with the motor. It plays very fast then slow and anywhere in between. I've decided not to fix it but get a new unit. The arm mounted on it is an SME IV, which I have been very pleased with.

I don't have time to demo a bunch of setups, I'd just like to move ahead on a replacement as soon as I can firm up a good replacement. A few ideas I have come up with within my price range:

- Verdier Platine and mount my old SME IV
- VPI TNT Mk 6 and figure out how to mount my old arm or spend some extra and get the JMW 12.5 if it is an improvement over the SME

Or is there something else out there that I should be considering? I don't tend to follow a lot of the reviews. I usually buy something then use it for years.

Other gear is AR SP-8 and VT-200 driving some Final 0.4s


Dear Ken: I assume that your 20 comes with the SME V. This tonearm is a dinamically balance design, and works very well in that way but you have to try it in static balance way: it comes better yet.

Regards and enjoy the music.

Hello Iflyfisher, I'd consider the SME 10,made for your arm,small footprint,simple and strong build quality,much less $ than the 20,you could sell the "10" arm or keep it, and buy 2 or 3 cartridges with the change and i'm sure you'd have a great set up. Choose your favorite combo ,sell the others and just play music!
My personal choice is the long-standing VPI line. Go for a TNT and get a ZYX Airy Universe to mount on it.

Marty Nickison