6922 Tube Question

I need to replace a pair of tubes in my VAC Signature.  They are 6DJ8 6922's.  Though I've had tubed pre-amps for years, this is my first tube replacement.  So I have a real newbie question.  Are all 6922's interchangeable?  Can I use any 6922 or must they be 6DJ8 6922's?

ps - ya, I know, bad time to need tubes given the world situation.

Ag insider logo xs@2xyellowstone

Yes they are the same! You can also use the ones listed below!

The 6DJ8 is a miniature nine-pin medium gain dual triode vacuum tube. It is distinguished by its very high transconductance, mostly the result of its frame grid construction. Versions of the tube are named ECC88, E88CC, 6922, E188CC, CV4108, 7308, 6N1P and 6N23P.

@yellowstone Below is the link from Brent Jessee’s audiotubes website - it will give you some insights into the 6922 tube & its equivalents, and sound of brands if you are going NOS. Be worth a quick review(I am not affiliated with BJ , only a customer)



Technically the 6922 is a ruggedized, mil grade designation.   Yes they are interchangeable but some 6dj8 won’t hold up in some newer CJ or any Audible Illusions preamps.    I had some nice 1964 Mazda 6dj8 that did not last that long in my CJ.    6922 Gold Lion I have yet to have one die .   Same goes for a Reflector 6n23eb, last a long time in my experience.