6922 Tube Question

I need to replace a pair of tubes in my VAC Signature.  They are 6DJ8 6922's.  Though I've had tubed pre-amps for years, this is my first tube replacement.  So I have a real newbie question.  Are all 6922's interchangeable?  Can I use any 6922 or must they be 6DJ8 6922's?

ps - ya, I know, bad time to need tubes given the world situation.

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Technically the 6922 is a ruggedized, mil grade designation.   Yes they are interchangeable but some 6dj8 won’t hold up in some newer CJ or any Audible Illusions preamps.    I had some nice 1964 Mazda 6dj8 that did not last that long in my CJ.    6922 Gold Lion I have yet to have one die .   Same goes for a Reflector 6n23eb, last a long time in my experience.





All in 6922 & 7308 family are interchangeable and if your circuit permits then and any of the 6dj8 ones.

6np1 (6np1-ev) is a different tube and most likely a modification in circuit is needed.


Ive used JJ and think they sounded good in my gear but it took buying 3 before finding one quiet enough for my preamp.   The other 2 are fine in my amp's driver position.

They are interchangeable but not the same entirely. As oddio points out, the 6922 and 7308 are special 10,000 hour versions of a 6DJ8. My experience is that you will get a shorter life with a 6DJ8, but perhaps not enough to warrant the difference in price. Many say they think the 6922 sounds better than the 6DJ8. I have less experience with the sound of the 7308.