$6k, Big screen TV or projector??

Hi all, What would y'all do if having a dedicated HT? Big screen TV or projector for $6k? Also please recommend some brand and model along. Thanks
Some negatives with a projector are: 1) They generate a fair amount of heat 2) You have to buy a new lamp 300-500 every 2000 hours or so. 3) The fan of the projector can be a little noisy. Some positives are: 1) You can move it around the house or take it on vacation you 2) can hook your computer up to it, 3) Very HIGH WAF.
First ask yourself honestly. I'm I truly doing HOME THEATER or just surround sound with a large screen? If HT then do a video projector. I read a previous reply. He's talking about a LCD projector. Quite honestly, they suck. If you want to do it right the first time get a CRT projector. They have greater picture quility than a LCD. They do however require more to set-up, you can't just plug it in and party. You might be able to find one on ebay or audiogon fairly resonably priced. Be sure to get one that can at least use a doubler if not even HDTV. You might pay a bit more than 6k but you'll be a lot happier. If it comes down to it wait a little longer to save more money. Look for the Dwin HP500(NO FAN, EASIER SUT-UP)or the Zenith 900proX. Both of these can do HDTV. You would want to have a professional set these up though. LCD's are nice for plug and play but just don't cut the mustard when it comes to actual picture quality. Do it RIGHT the first time and you'll never regret it. TRULY HIGH WOW FACTOR!!!!!!
I agree that you need to ask yourself how "dedicated" you HT will be. Unless you're truly talking about a system and room that will be used exclusively for sitting in the dark watching movies, I'd go for an RPTV. Sony, Mitsubishi and Pioneer all make drop-dead gorgeous sets that easily fit your $6K target. Depending on how big a screen you want, you might even save a few bucks off that budget. I'd get an HDTV-ready system, I'd probably get the 16:9 screen. But with a RPTV, you can use the system for more than just watching movies - I use mine all the time for a basketball game on the screen, a favorite CD over the sound system, a cold beer in my hand, and a bit of isolation from the outside world.