6L6 vs EL34

It was pointed out to me the other day that it would be easy to convert my amp, a stereo PP EL34 amp, to run 6L6's. I've never really listened to the 6L6 tube before do any members have any thoughts on 6L6 tubes vs EL34's? I am running the Genalex KT-77 re-issue tubes in my amp and love how it sounds now. Thanks!
Interesting guys food for thought. Waiting to hear what Vu thinks I may do it.
Not my experience at all, but then again the sound always depends on the system the tubes are in.  EL34s 6CA7s and KT-77s have all sounded very clean and precise.  The 6L6 has always been a sweeter more euphonic tube, but as I said the amps they were in I think contributed a great deal  to that sound.
Thanks mechans that jibes with what i was told previously. I guess it's amp dependent so we shall see.
@mechans  +1

As usual, I will side with my very close friend, The Doctor (Mechans).  He stated things perfectly.  6L6 more lush and thick, EL34 more forward, engaging, and detailed, though not at the expense of sweetness or sounding harsh
In this hobby I am always amazed at the variety of results obtained from the same product(s) by different users.
If you do change your amp, please post your impressions.
Also, could you identify the amp being used?