Responses from jond
Rule of thumb for used digital componants? Used gear used to be 50% off pretty much across the board these days pricing is anyone's guess! | |
Why did you purchase the equipment you have and what do you like most about it? @jl35 agreed Bob Grost is a very fine gentleman not using his cables right now but they are excellent and good value. @calvinj I don't know Infigo but glad it's working out for you. | |
Fine tuning the system. Where do you start and how do you proceed ? I roll tubes I've rolled cables a little bit of isolation and things sound pretty good here. It's really about trying things and then living with them. Don't jump to immediate conclusions I usually take at least a month to get my head around chang... | |
Why did you purchase the equipment you have and what do you like most about it? I am fortunate to have worked with a good dealer though it took me about 5 years of constant gear churning here on Agon to figure that out! Once the dealer started taking care of me SQ improved immensely as did my self confidence as to what really... | |
VT-52, Yamamoto Sound Craft I just responded to your other thread apollinaire so let me respond here too regarding tube amps I am personally a big fan of the 2a3 tube. I love the blend of clarity and naturalness it brings along with extended frequency response. 300B tubes c... | |
From Audio Note AN/J-D to where? apollinaire I will say this stepping up from the AN-J/D to say an AN-J/lx, my current speakers, would render a significant improvement as I am pretty sure the D series doesn't use Birch ply cabinets but standard particle board. To me it's those li... | |
VAC doesn't reply to emails. inna sounds like a dirty pot any competent local tech should be able to clean it for you in minutes no need to ship the amp back to Vac. | |
Do you sell the stuff you don't really need or fill up your closets with it? I used to sell everything but lately just don't have the interest or energy to sell so I just keep stuff. I'm a pair of speakers away from a 2nd system but nowhere to put one! | |
Kinki Studio EX-P7 pre-amp Congrats @audiofilo123 I have to say your system bears a striking resemblance to a gent I know as Naka9. ;) And glad the downsizing is still going well for you! :P | |
Streamer, no DAC please? +1 on Auralic either the new S1 as suggested previously or a used Aries I am currently using an Aries G1 and previously an Aries Mini and love both devices. Good SQ, very reliable and well supported plus a good quality free app. | |
I often notice that people who have open reel decks and/or tube equipment are nicest I've found my ending happy place with tubes, no room or $$ for R2R here but the tubes give me a nice relaxed feeling and hopefully personality. ;) | |
Choosing between 2 preamps Congrats on the new preamp! I'd say for the difference in price go NOS not a fan of current production small signal tubes personally. | |
Amplifier gain settings - what do they do? Always turn your amp on last and off first. And I'd use the volume control on your preamp it's likely better quality then any gain pots or attenuators on an amp. Air Tight still makes amps with them and I'm sure a few other manufacturers do. | |
Amp suggestion for Merlin TSM speakers Signature Sound services Merlin speakers and imports Ars Sonum tube integrateds which I think Bobby was originally importing and using with his speakers. That said any good pushpull amp in the 15-... | |
Best Used Tube Based Preamp $2k Or Under? Here is an Audio Note M2 for $2750 no connection to the buyer just an AN fan here. |