

Responses from jond

Cornwall IV vs. Volti Rival, Razz; Razz v. 1, 2, 3 -- what changed?
Very strange indeed I enjoyed Silverfox's posts well written informative and enthusiastic.  
Where Do I Go from Here?
I am pretty much always in the "if you have speakers you love stick with them" camp. I say stick with the Revels and enjoy your retirement!  
Happy Friday gents
Awesome post and happy belated Friday! Just finished a late dinner relaxing with the MPS sampler Reunion in the Black Forest. Happy listening all!  
Best streamer for Audio Note UK dacs
I use an Auralic Aries G1 into an older AN Dac-3 Signature using a Jorma digital spdif RCA cable. I have the Aries set to output Flac 16/44.1 only and it works great and sounds great.  
Upgrade Interconnects/Cables or…?
Hey Kenny I have to say your system looks fantastic to me and the way you describe the sound is what most of us are going for. I think your cables are just fine and your phono stage too if it were me I'd add a tubed linestage to the mix in place o... 
Judging speakers to purchase.
I want to be able to just relax and enjoy the music and not think about the reproduction at all. My speakers give me that.  
Help me build out my first system
Since you’re just starting out you might consider something like this Auralic Altair:   https://www.usaudiomart.com/details/650106287-auralic-altair-g1/   It combines a Streamer and Dac and can be used as a preamp if needed. That and a good pr... 
cornfedboy, signing off
What sad news and even sadder according to the obit both his sons have already passed as well. Best wishes to his wife. And thanks for posting dekay though sad news nice to think of Kelly again and the fun days of Audiogon way back when.  
Upgrade Digital Cable Review
The Jorma digital cable in my system is amazing and by far the best cable in my system in my opinion. That was really hammered home when I accidentally damaged it and had it repaired, it was a grueling week waiting on it's return!  
Free Tip for Jumpers
I’ve been doing this for years myself and recently did some trials on jumper cables that were quite eye opening! I'd show a pic but I still can't seem to post pics on here.      
Beautiful Colored Tube Preamp ($10k budget) to Pair w/ Very Accurate Monitors (PSI A25M)
Excellent idea to get a preamp custom made for your special needs I hope it works out well and gives you great sound.  
Is the idea of audiophile listening a dying concept as boomers die off?
@phillyrover Great point the heart of my system is a Deja Vu Audio preamp and a pair of George Wright monoblocks. Custom and boutique builders can offer a ton of value and incredibly good sound.  
Why don't streaming services offer album liner notes?
You can on the Qobuz app just click on the album and there should be an option so see credits,  
Rondi H. D'Agostino Obituary
Very sad news RIP Rondi and best wishes to the family and Krell.  
Is the idea of audiophile listening a dying concept as boomers die off?
Gen X here and love my system started way back in my 30s that would be the late 90s and in that time only met a handful of others into good sound in person. Outside of CAF and at my dealers that is and a few friends have gotten into vinyl and have...