I get it. I just think you found your answer over a year and a half ago when you posted this:
“The lesson I have gotten is that the effect of the server mainly depends on how competent your DAC is with input signal. Mine (Nagra Tube DAC) seems to be very competent because of various design reasons and has taken particular efforts to negate the bad effects of USB input. So I don't need to waste time with music servers just like Jay with his MSB Select 2 DAC. YMMV.”
Your conclusion there is consistent with actual data from reports done by Paul Miller of Hifi News whenever they review streamers. He shows the amount of jitter and noise as inferred at the receiving DAC, and the quality of jitter rejection and noise filtering is highly variable across DACs. But in certain cases, no matter how great the measurements are for a streamer, it’s largely irrelevant because of the DAC. I think you just need to declare victory and enjoy the music. Another less costly approach would be to try one of the much less costly streamers out there that measure magnificently - e.g. Volumio Rivo - and see what you get. Here’s the review/measurements of an Aurender, btw: