

Responses from mdalton

$8k for speakers - new or used
You might want to attend the Pacific Audio Fest, which is happening on September 6-8 in Seattle.  Doesn’t look like a huge show, but gives you unique opportunity to listen to a wide range of speaker types - perfect timing as you’re considering som... 
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
@lalitk  a little more time with the new SUT today.  not just more dynamic - more of everything.  I was missing out on a lot of Koetsu magic previously.  Very cool. Looking forward to hearing about your experience.   
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
haha! I prefer to think of my stuff as Lamborghini blue (though technically it’s “traffic blue”, which is RAL code #5017).  But among their colors, I might go with Republica (white).  would look very cool.    
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
@lalitk  haven’t heard the brand yet myself, but they’re on my list if/when I ever replace the synthesis ensemble in my big rig.  recently spent time with a dealer in NC - Ember Audio - who believes their stuff competes with any other tube gear u... 
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
oops again!  I swear I’m not day-drinking, I forgot to say brand: Fezz Audio.  To add to @lewm list, Graham Slee and Rothwell also make pretty inexpensive head amp, btw.  
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
oops, “side” not “dude”!  
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
@lalitk  Just for one, not particularly expensive example, I believe the MC dude of their phono stages are active gain designs.  Interestingly though, they just announce a new, separate SUT - the Argentum.  Haven’t seen any reviews yet, but very ... 
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
@lalitk  dealer I worked with on Swissonor - Constantin at Atelier 13 - carries Sculpture as well.  
FEZZ audio
lol! You realize that in some circles Mother Theresa is a somewhat controversial figure.  Anyway, here’s a review that includes a brief description of the circuit by the manufacturer: Titania review  
FEZZ audio
I know Jeremy @ Aural Hifi - good guy.  I also know 3 other reputable dealers, 2 in Northern virginia, one in north carolina, who carry the brand and think very highly of it.    
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
@lalitk  what’s eta of your etsuro?  
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
@lalitk  nope.  have gotten instructions, and pretty easy to change. May wait until it’s burned in a bit before I experiment.  
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
@lalitk  Back from my two-day trip.  Before doing anything else I tried different ground scheme vs my prior SUT.  Added ground between phono stage and SUT (in addition to tonearm and SUT).  Hum pretty much gone!  (consistent with @mulveling predi... 
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
@lalitk  am on road for couple days so only got one lp side in.  Way more dynamic, without losing koetsu magic.  So very good initial impression.  However, have a noise issue (hum at high volume no music).  pretty sure it came at 1:30 ratio, 29 d... 
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
@mijostyn  Look at it this way, you have a svelte SUT, lol!