would the krell be a big step up from the parasound? Also Hegel 390 is about the same price as the Krell. Anyone compare the two. Audiotroy I know you are a dealer, but is there a reason that you chose to sell Krell over Hegel?
Okay super stupid question here. If it makes you laugh that is okay. I know that, at least from what I can tell Aurrender and Innuous seem to be the audiophile pick for streamers, but I was thinking of mating the Krell with built in DAC and a Rose streamer. In a kiddish way the Rose looks so cool.
Okay question is this..... With the Rose I can connect to my TV and listen to YouTube music or even see the lyrics while the music plays. I know that sounds stupid but I like it for some reason. Is this a feature only on the Rose or does every streamer do this?