802 diamonds with class d amp

Just purchased 802 diamond package and have a rotfl class d amp. Wondering what differences I would hear with classe or mcintosh amps. Possibly something like the mc452?
+1 Cyisone. Find the right sweet spot for proper placement of your speakers in your listening room and this will affect the depth and dimension of the sound field far more than the brand of amp being used.

After hours of careful listening and minute changes in placement, my Vienna/REL/Parasound combination does it for me. Incredible depth, dimension and imaging. But it took some effort on my part to study and realize that the listening room is a component too. Amps are not magic pills that will suddenly give you the depth and dimension one is looking for.
Depth becomes better wenn the crossovers are perfect. This is still the weakest point of B&W. I am in this business for 15 years now. I played with 802N and 800S for over 8 years. Wenn you want to grow in sound realism and also in a 3 dimensional stage which is wide and deep. B&W is not able of giving this to me. The 800 series are improving during the years. But they still forget a very essential part in the absolute sound. In 15 years I did hundreds of tests with a lot of stuff ( cables, amps, sources,speakers etc) Always looking for the best. Because good never will be good enough for me. But wenn the quality rises the emotion and fun grows.
OK dude whatever. The OP comes on board asking questions about a fine pair of speakers he already has, B&W 802 Diamonds, and all you can do is slam them. But afterall, you have 15 years experience so you must be right.
I would suggest not getting caught up in any equipment issues until you get a substantial handle on optimal speaker location within your room. Location formulas are a good starting point. This can take months of incremental movements and serious listening.

B&W makes fine speakers, don't get me wrong. This is about the difference between a 3-dimensional and more 2-dimensional image. A nautilus top is exeptional good in indivividual focus. But less good in depth. The extra depth can make an image more 3-dimensional. Wenn you have a speaker with exeptional crossovers you can get a very deep and wide stage. Stage goes on for metres behind and even beside your speakers. Voices and instruments become a lot more loose from eachtother and palpable. You hear a big difference were an instrument or voice is recorded, even in depth.