845 or 300b with Agalme?

Hello, I have Horning Agalme speakers, I think the other horning speakers would be similar but just smaller. and I’m looking to hear who has heard them with 845 and 300b type amps.


my room is 28 x 18 dedicated music room

Everything I have read is having me lean toward the Thoress 845 mono’s


I would appreciate any info.

Thanks, Scott


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845 would be my tube choice but then again, who made the product is also very important.


First off, your speakers are magnificent! I heard the smaller Horning Aristotle with the New Audio Frontiers Ultimate 211 SE amplifier and it was a religious experience for me. The combo was magnificent. I also heard the Wolf Von Langa Sons on the same amp and the combo was once again stunning. I would put NAF on your radar as they make beautiful sounding amplifiers. Just beautiful. The sound is built from the bottom up with addictive body and tone. Great build quality to boot. They make 300b and 845 amps also. 

Did I say your speakers are magnificent? Good for you!

Colin of Gestalt Audio Design in Nashville sells Horning, NAF and Tron gear. He is great to work with should you want to visit on NAF or Tron’s first class 300b amp.





Thoress gear is built all part to part wired like a work of art. I repaired a Thoress preamp/phono and was impressed with the build (shipping damage). Old school in the very best sort of way.

I also heard the Horning Aristotle with the Tron 300b Signature and that is a special combo. Tron has unmatched resolution and tonal purity in my opinion. The sheer amount of inner detail and realism is arresting. I have never heard another 300b amp sound quite this way. You hear deeply into the performance like a great 2a3 based amp coupled with Tron’s uncanny purity.