845 SET recommendation

I would like to try an 845 SET power amp in the next couple of mths and was wondering what other besides Art Audio and deHavilland should i look into. Your recommendations are appreciated.
If you are interested in used, you could also look into the Bel Canto amps. There are several for sale right now on Audiogon. They are really nice sounding, and well reviewed when they were in production. The company still stands behind them and provides service.
I second the recommendation of ASL amps. I have the 805s; they sound great and have been 100% reliable.
WAVAC...if price is no object.

MD-805m monoblock is 55 w/ch @ $19,000
HE-805 singe chassis is 45 w/ch @ $45,000

But you will be one of the privileged few who owns the best!