845 SET recommendation

I would like to try an 845 SET power amp in the next couple of mths and was wondering what other besides Art Audio and deHavilland should i look into. Your recommendations are appreciated.
I second the recommendation of ASL amps. I have the 805s; they sound great and have been 100% reliable.
WAVAC...if price is no object.

MD-805m monoblock is 55 w/ch @ $19,000
HE-805 singe chassis is 45 w/ch @ $45,000

But you will be one of the privileged few who owns the best!
Art Audio, Verdier

I would urge you to check out the Wytetech Lab amp which is based on the 211 tube. The 211 is a wonderful tube and makes excellent power. It is more difficult/costly to build an amp for it due to its power requirements but it may be worth a listen.

If you want slam check out a quality push/pull class A tube amp. A 300b push/pull has plenty of slam with the right speakers. We just made one of these for a customer and it sounds damn close to our single ended interstage coupled 300B but it has the slam that the SET is a little softer on.