A A Capitole MKii Upgrade/Update

For those audio addicts like myself waiting for the delivery of this new player, I thought you'd be interested in what Globe Marketing told me today:

1) Only 20 (far less than they expected) have come thru the border at Buffalo, NY and are on their way to customers. Another shipment (quantity unknown) is expected in the US early next week. Shipments from this lot will be made later in the week via Fed Ex Air.

2) Audio Aero is going to be introducing an available upgrade sometime in the future whereby you will be able to expand the player's pre/processing capabilities by adding addl't inputs. The upgrade does not appear to be something an owner would perform themselves. It does, however, seem to be something that is intended to end-- once and for all--the question about whether you'd need a pre-amp to support other sources.

Editorial comment: Despite the lengthy delay for those that have been waiting for the ugly Frenchie, Globe Marketing has been upfront and honest about the situation. For this, they should be commended. They undoubtedly are as frustrated as their customers and I'm sure my dealer is tired of hearing my voice over the phone.

All in all, who would have ever thought a $ 8900.00 (retail) player that looks so boring and has had technical glitches, would be so anxiously awaited by audio nut cases, like myself.

Maybe it's like a fine French wine that takes a long time to age, but is worth the wait.

I can only hope so.... while sitting here, typing this message and getting slightly nauseous listening to my $ 299 Sony Best Buy special.
Tireguy: Please keep me posted on what you think of your MKII and also any feedback you get from your friend vs. his MK I. thanks,
Tireguy: Please keep me posted on what you think of your MKII and also any feedback you get from your friend vs. his MK I. thanks,
Rap- passive was a proprietary one made by Israel Blume (Coincident Speaker)- VERY transparent. HOWEVER, I gave it back to him, as upon further review, I missed some of the natural bloom of the music when using the passive, and went back to direct-to-amp.