Two preamps are available.... | scorpio1951 | 3810 | 21 | |
Tube Preamp Recommendations please to partner with Parasound JC-1's.... | gerryn | 5930 | 22 | |
Parasound JC-1- Audio signal turn-on function | shsohis | 4406 | 6 | |
Pat Metheny Group - Geffen Records Remasters | rx8man | 4077 | 5 | |
High Definition CD or HDCD - What is it exactly? | gerryn | 7532 | 18 | |
Are there any fans of Dewey and Gerry out there? | danlib1 | 2249 | 4 | |
B&K Reference 30 ...running hot, hot, hot | bundy | 3660 | 6 | |
Clever Lil Clock - What's up with this? | charlie101 | 6477 | 26 | |
EL 34 vs. KT 88 ---- What's the difference? | audio211 | 117919 | 41 | |
What tubes would you suggest for the following.... | ejlif | 4772 | 7 | |
Butler Audio - Tube Lovers....comments please... | satfrat | 5178 | 2 | |
Reliability of Big Tube Amps - Your input please.. | ebm | 4683 | 8 | |
Todd Rundgren and the Liars tour / New album | piezo | 3009 | 8 | |
Power Cable for Genesis 501's servo amplifiers | mejames | 3068 | 1 | |
SPICA 's in Home Theater Setup | ehider | 3531 | 4 | |