A bi-amping question

Right now I am using a Bryston 4B-ST for left/right channels in home theater. For center channel I am using an unmentionable monoblock. What I want to do is take my Acurus A125x5 amp that I have just lying around and bi-amp the center channel, using 2 of the 125wpc amps. Will this create the appropriate sound pressure level to match my Bryston?--or am I thinking about this the wrong way. Yes, eventually I will upgrade to all Bryston amps, but for now, I NEED to get the center channel level up. I do not like the result by boosting the level using the processor. The center channel is taking about 70% of the sound for movies and boosting it is just making it worse. For reference, I'm using B&W N804s for left/right, HTM-1 for center. These speakers matched for size, efficiency, frequency response and driver compliment. The processor (Proceed AVP) has only one center channel output, so I will have to find an IC splitter. Thanks.
Passive bi-amping as you describe will NOT double your power by any means, it will increase efficiency by simplifying the loads and should gain you about 3dB of headroom. It improves the sound more than the volume.

From what i understand, the DigiFlex designation is not a Canare term but rather a name given to a Canare cable assembly by a third party cable maker.

I have been looking for this specific cable but can not find it because of the nomenclature.

Do you know, specifically, which Canare cable (i.e. LV-61S, LV-77S, L-4CFB, etc.) is used in this assembly?

Also, can you tell me where i can get it?
1. Acurus 125x5 is not bridgable - Do not do this
2. Bi-amp the Acurus will not double your power but will improve sound quality
3. Therefore, Bi-amp will not satisfy what you are looking for (to gain power)
4. Acurus 125x5 sound quality is not up to the level of Bryston 4B-st