A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx

I enjoy reading this fellow (Richard Hardesty)


Why bother? Even if a reviewer says a speaker sucks, I still would take the speaker if it is musical to my ears. David Wilson is a very dedicated man. Even if his creation is flawed (which speaker isn't?), he will spend every effort to get the best compromise and to get the things right what he thinks are the most important.
1.i think audiophiles and magazines have trouble accepting criticism. we don't think twice when a car magazaine critize a 70-80k car from mercede or bmw or whatever because it didn't handle right or the engine was noisy or whatever. yet when someone criticze a hi end component, people get too defensive. most of the mags i read like TAS and stereophile give rave review on most products. i can't remember how many time the magazine proclaim that this product can compete with some thing that sell for 2x .3x or whatever product. since most of us don't have access or time to listen to these product. let me kwno what the 2x 3x products you are comparing to, so i know what your compairng to.
2. what consititue a hi end/fidelity product. using the car ananlogy, even when magazine critize the mercede/bmw model, the reader can read the spec ie 0 to 60 mph accel. cornerning, interior space... etc.and still come away with a farily good ideal how the car perform. ( like bmw accelerate better that honda cvic )yet in audio community, there isn't standard sets of measurement that everyone agree to taht constitue high performance. just by saying it sound good to me doesn't cut it in my book. the product should be compare to a reference( reviewer's reference ). in what category is it better than your reference. clarity? bass, extension? so the novice reader like me have an ideal what he/she mean.
just my 2$
i drive a 50k car , do i think the car can be improve? in just about every category. do i like my car? yeah. Either we have reach sonic Nirvana or the bar are being set too low.
On the lighter side.......... a good laugh.

Thanks Oneobgyn, good suggestion. That didn't work. Actually the credit for these questions goes to Klaus at Audio Asylum. He did write to Stereophile and was ignored. He was ignored online when asking Stereophile reviewer's the same questions. So I guess I'm taking up the battle flag. I could write a letter to the editor myself but it would go in the trash. So at least if I post online people get to see it, even if (when) I am ignored.
A1126lin, you have a good point. What we need is an Audio Ten Commandments. Ultimately all we have now is subjective feelings, irregardless of what the measurements are. It would be good for audio in general and probably get more people involved.
Imagine real life without laws or the Ten Commandments to guide us. Total chaos and anarchy. That's what hi-end audio is right now. No wonder it's such a convoluted mess.

IMHO Wilson = Rolex. A hi-end luxury brand. For people buying Rolex, keeping good time is probably a secondary reason. Should be the same with Wilson. Nothing wrong for Wilson to take the marketing position of a luxury brand.
The misrepresentation IMO starts when reviewers somehow equate the high price of Wilson with a commensurate improvement in sound quality.
Fremer has been quite open in that he rates stuff on his subjective opinion which may be fine for him but does little to say if **I'll** like the product or more importantly, help me with my audio-nervousa condition ;-). So we have the blind leading the blind. What good is that? I think the Bible says somewhere about justice being served when the liars start believing their own lies and end up destroying themselves by their own web they weave. No I'm not calling Fremer a liar, but I do think reviewers who weave a web of subtle deception end up believing their own deception in the end. Fooling themselves so to speak.
Heck how many people (myself included) convince themselves what the you is the best. Then go out and compare everything to what they currently own and when it sounds different = it must be wrong.

Being Sunday I'll part with this:
"Beware, don't always be wishing for what you don't have. For real life and real living are not related to how rich we are."
Luke 12:15