Responses from cdc
Desktop single-driver speakers? Bose MusicMonitors | |
Some people actively participate but rarely if ever start a thread. 1) When is it appropriate to just add to an existing discussion vs. taking up bandwidth to start and entirely new conversation? I do not know. I have one idea about close-field listening. Not sure how well that will go over. Is it too controversia... | |
No sound @rvpiano Glad to hear your problem has turned into something of a blessing. They say some of the greatest discoveries have happened by accident. I always look forward to your threads. I agree with jetter after you live with the sys for a while, t... | |
No sound Eliminated my preamp with amazing results | |
Best ear plugs for both sound quality and reduction For maximum reduction, as the guy on the airline airport runway told me, both ear plugs and ear muffs used together. | |
2025 Audio System Wish List Time! Stereo Alpha Egg Chair to go with my lava lamp and beaded chain curtain. | |
Why Energize the Whole Room/Virtual Reality Audio? My question is using speakers in this way: 1) becomes binaural speakers? 2) Are they more like headphones than regular speakers? | |
Ø Audio anyone? Steve Guttenberg did a review of these Norwegian speakers Frigg 02 | |
Best Exercise To Improve Capability Of Handling Heavy Amps Pending doctor’s approval, not necessarily for strength but gets the distortion out of your lower back so you don’t blow it up Wall stretch or more advanced Counter stretch | |
Why are DAC's so much more expensive than transports? As LM3875 chip amps offer the most direct, least colored sound, likewise would TDA1543 chip DAC's be similarity uncolored and direct? I don't get tired of drinking water. Sure, some flavored beverage is exciting for a week but I know I will get s... | |
Who's winning? Has soundbar guy heard 30k speaker guy’s? A question not well posed will gave useless answers. | |
Who's winning? Depends on how you define "winning". | |
Why are DAC's so much more expensive than transports? I'm beginning to realize that hi-end audio is not just about achieving some technical absolute. It's also about finding the right sound that each person enjoys. | |
Why Don't More People Love Audio? What are the odds of a newbee getting it right the first time? 1 in 5? 1 in 10? How many years to find a satisfying system? Better to not get started at all. | |
"The room can totally wreck, or make, a system" Research proved that in a live musical environment, approximately 30% of what we hear is direct sound while 70% is reflected from walls, ceilings and floors and only reaches our ears a few milliseconds after the direct sound. The human brain uses ... |