I spent some time in the room last year at RMAF. There is nothing I can say bad about this table but recall being stunned about the pricetag when hearing it. I was more impressed than not at the craftmanship and sound.
As most know it is hard to truly evaluate one component at these shows, there is just too much going one. I found that rooms that included their own room treatment benifit the most on getting it right then it still cames down to everything in the chain as Thuchan stated.
Halcro, I think the point he was trying to get across was mass is a criteria but the q of the material is more important with a hint on 6061. I mentioned this once in this thread already with TTweights pod using the combination of aluminum, lead and derlin.
Here are a couple of pics I took at RMAF last year of the table. Included one other of a freinds implementation of 6061.
As most know it is hard to truly evaluate one component at these shows, there is just too much going one. I found that rooms that included their own room treatment benifit the most on getting it right then it still cames down to everything in the chain as Thuchan stated.
Halcro, I think the point he was trying to get across was mass is a criteria but the q of the material is more important with a hint on 6061. I mentioned this once in this thread already with TTweights pod using the combination of aluminum, lead and derlin.
Here are a couple of pics I took at RMAF last year of the table. Included one other of a freinds implementation of 6061.